Missions Team
According to the most recent statistics, an estimated 3.29 billion people have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That’s 42% of the world’s population! There are 17,440 global people groups, of which 7,413 are considered unreached. That’s 42.5% of all people groups. (joshuaproject.net) The term “unreached” means that people don’t have access to the gospel. Only 3% of Christians are missionaries, so unless something changes, these people will be born, live and die without ever hearing the gospel! As Paul asked in Romans 10: 14, How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?
The RMBC Mission Committee is dedicated to seeking opportunities to help fulfill The Great Commission through supporting local, national and international missions, as commanded in Acts 1:8, “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
The RMBC Mission Committee is dedicated to seeking opportunities to help fulfill The Great Commission through supporting local, national and international missions, as commanded in Acts 1:8, “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

The RMBC Mission Committee operates on 7% of Undesignated Receipts. The committee utilizes a 3-tiered pyramid approach to support various missions/missionaries. The top tier (1st tier) is for supporting missionaries arising from within our church. RMBC helped support one 1st tier international missionary couple financially until the point they became established and financially independent. The committee and the church continue to support them through love, encouragement and prayer. The second level (2nd Tier) represents mission/missionary efforts we support annually. The 3rd level (3rd Tier) are one-time gifts to other mission efforts as the Lord leads, as well as funding to help off-set the costs of our church member’s missions trips.
If you are interested in learning more about RMBC Missions, please contact RMBC Mission Committee Chairperson, Cindi Jones, by clicking the button below.
If you are interested in learning more about RMBC Missions, please contact RMBC Mission Committee Chairperson, Cindi Jones, by clicking the button below.

1st Tier Missionaries
Undisclosed Location - Missionary Couple
***Due to the sensitive nature of where our missionaries serve, we do not disclose their identities or post their photographs online for security reasons***

Several years ago, for the first time in the history of our church, we sent out a missionary couple from our own congregation. We are their “sending church”; they were not sent out through another mission organization. After finding housing, jobs, learning the language and acclimating to the culture, they united with a local body of believers and started a small group Bible study. They continue to work on building relationships and sharing the gospel. We are excited to see how God will use them as they spread the good news of the gospel in an undisclosed mission field in which less than 1% of the population is Christian. While they are no longer in need of financial support, we continue to support them through prayer!
2nd Tier Missions/Missionaries
Adonai International Ministries - Guatemala

What a blessing to be able to support Adonai International Ministries as they endeavor to spread the gospel to the people in the remote highlands of Guatemala. The vision of AIM is to lead others in the knowledge of God by serving in the ministries of Intercession, Aviation, Agriculture, Medical (including a new medical facility and nurse training program) and Nutritional Projects.
To date, our church has taken two mission teams to Guatemala and attest to Adonai’s mission of preaching the gospel to all nations, making disciples, and remembering the poor and ministering to their needs through sacrificial giving and practical service.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
To date, our church has taken two mission teams to Guatemala and attest to Adonai’s mission of preaching the gospel to all nations, making disciples, and remembering the poor and ministering to their needs through sacrificial giving and practical service.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
Global Frontier Missions SLICE Training Program
Undisclosed Location - Missionary Couple
***Due to the sensitive nature of where our missionaries serve, we do not disclose their identities or post their photographs online for security reasons***

Global Frontier Missions is an international, non-denominational movement of Christ-centered communities dedicated to mobilizing, training, and multiplying disciples and churches to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the least reached people groups of the earth. RMBC helps support a young couple with three young children who work in the GFM SLICE (Strategy, Language, Identity, Culture and Exalting Jesus) program assisting cross-cultural workers as they navigate their first term on the field and equipping them for long-term effectiveness as they serve in the unreached areas of South Asia.
After being back in the United States for the past two years (due to the pandemic), they have worked with GFM RVA and their students for the 18 months. The husband has been preaching and teaching and they launched home fellowships in their home church similar to what they do when abroad. They have also been training a young woman who has joined their team, and who will be returning with them within the next month, Lord willing. Their visas were recently approved and they plan to return to the mission field May 18, 2022.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
After being back in the United States for the past two years (due to the pandemic), they have worked with GFM RVA and their students for the 18 months. The husband has been preaching and teaching and they launched home fellowships in their home church similar to what they do when abroad. They have also been training a young woman who has joined their team, and who will be returning with them within the next month, Lord willing. Their visas were recently approved and they plan to return to the mission field May 18, 2022.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
India Calvary Ministries - Pastor P.

It is a privilege to support Pastor P., founder of India Calvary Ministries. India Calvary Ministries mission is to spread the gospel through church planting, training pastors through their bible college, street evangelism, village gospel ministry, hospital ministry, medical/vision camps, ministries to children, youth, women and lepers, as well as cottage and church-based prayer groups.
Pastor P. has visited our church several times. Several members of our church have also visited Pastor P. in India, preaching at his church and experiencing his ministry firsthand.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
Pastor P. has visited our church several times. Several members of our church have also visited Pastor P. in India, preaching at his church and experiencing his ministry firsthand.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
On Eagles Wings - Nicaragua

RMBC has supported On Eagle’s Wings ministry in Leon, Nicaragua since 2013. Their mission is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and to be His hands and feet by serving those most in need. They partner with Feed My Starving Children to provide nutritional meals and share the Good News to over 9000 children daily. They also have a Sports Ministry, Construction Ministry, Medical Care Ministry, Pastoral Leadership Training, Women’s Ministry and radio station broadcasts.
RMBC has sent three mission teams to Nicaragua over the past 8 years.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
RMBC has sent three mission teams to Nicaragua over the past 8 years.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan’s Purse, an international Christian relief and evangelism organization headed by Franklin Graham. The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Since 1993 Operation Christmas Child has collected and delivered more than 168 million shoeboxes to children in over 160 countries and territories. For many of these children, the gift-filled shoebox is the first gift they have ever received.
RMBC is honored to be an OCC collection center for our area. Our members have the opportunity to donate shoeboxes, as well as volunteer their time for one week in November to receive shoeboxes that are then taken to a regional collection center.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
RMBC is honored to be an OCC collection center for our area. Our members have the opportunity to donate shoeboxes, as well as volunteer their time for one week in November to receive shoeboxes that are then taken to a regional collection center.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
Training Pastors International - J. Balmer - Africa

Training Pastors International focuses on training national pastors in Bible and theology, expository preaching, prayer and worship, evangelism and discipleship, church planting, leadership development, pastoral ministries, and missionary outreach. The strategy of TPI is to seek to partner with individuals and churches in the United States that are interested in helping to train pastors around the world. The training philosophy of TPI involves taking U.S. pastors on short-term mission trips and going to strategic locations around the world with the purpose of establishing ministry training centers for the equipping of international pastors.
In 2018, our very own Pastor Brian went with a team to the Congo to train local pastors.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
In 2018, our very own Pastor Brian went with a team to the Congo to train local pastors.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
3rd Tier Missionaries
Cafe 1040 - Missionary Couple - Undisclosed Location
***Due to the sensitive nature of where our missionaries serve, we do not disclose their identities or post their photographs online for security reasons***

RMBC is delighted to support a couple as they work mentoring missionaries. Café 1040’s vision is to see disciples of Jesus from every people group. They have overseas mentorship programs in North Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia and Diaspora Europe that exist to equip the next generation of missionaries with the clarity and confidence needed to understand how their skills, passions, talents and abilities can play a part in taking the story of Jesus where it has been told. The couple relies solely on support, of which they are approximately 88% funded.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
East-West Ministries International
Dr. F. - Undisclosed Location - Latin America
***Due to the sensitive nature of where our missionaries serve, we do not disclose their identities or post their photographs online for security reasons***

The vision of East-West is to glorify God by multiplying followers of Jesus in the spiritually darkest areas of the world. Their mission is to mobilize the Body of Christ to evangelize the lost and equip local believers to multiply disciples and healthy churches among unreached peoples and/or in restricted access communities.
After two+ years of not being allowed to travel internationally due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. F’s team just returned from a socialist country in Latin America. In the western part of the country, Christians are being persecuted, pastors imprisoned, and nearly all have guards posted on their homes. Several have been killed. In spite of the persecutions, several are risking it all and there have been many conversions.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
After two+ years of not being allowed to travel internationally due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. F’s team just returned from a socialist country in Latin America. In the western part of the country, Christians are being persecuted, pastors imprisoned, and nearly all have guards posted on their homes. Several have been killed. In spite of the persecutions, several are risking it all and there have been many conversions.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
Good Samaritan Ministries - Richmond, VA

Good Samaritan Ministries is a Christian Mission that helps people trapped in homelessness, poverty and addiction get their lives back and become productive members of our community. RMBC supports Good Samaritan Ministries through giving an annual donation towards feeding the homeless a Thanksgiving meal.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
International Mission Board

The IMB partners with churches to empower limitless missionary teams who are evangelizing, discipling, planting, and multiplying healthy churches, and training leaders among unreached peoples and places for the glory of God.
RMBC supports international missions through participating in an annual Lottie Moon Offering.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
RMBC supports international missions through participating in an annual Lottie Moon Offering.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
Newport News Baptist Church - Pastor Ben Webster

Newport News Baptist Church is an Independent, Fundamental Baptist Church dedicated to reaching the lost with the gospel and anchoring believers in the truth of God’s Word. Pastor Ben Webster is the son of RMBC members, Bill and Lynn Webster. Ben grew up in Smithfield, Virginia, was saved at the age of 6, and surrendered to the call to preach at the age of 14. God led Pastor Webster and his family to move to Newport News to partner with Calvary Baptist Church in Smithfield, Virginia in July 2019 to fulfill a need for an Independent Baptist Church in the Ft. Eustis area.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
Shepherd’s Staff - Kigali, Rwanda
Josh and Susan Chance

Shepherd’s Staff is a unique missions organization with a passion for empowering churches to serve and support missionaries to fulfill the Great Commission. They partner with local churches to send those who are called to share the Gospel across geographic, cultural and linguistic boundaries; reaching the unreached with the love of Jesus Christ. Josh and Susan Chance have completed 4 New Testament translations in Tanzania this year, Ikoma, Cabwa, Gita and Nyiha. They have most recently been working on translating the New Testament for the African language, Rangi. They are very close to completion and publishing, however, due to severe health issues and hospitalization of their consultant, there has been a delay.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
Southern Baptist Convention Cooperative Program

The Cooperative Program is Southern Baptists’ unified plan of giving through which cooperating Southern Baptist churches give a percentage of their undesignated receipts in support of their respective state convention and the Southern Baptist Convention missions and ministries.
RMBC donates 7% of all undesignated receipts to the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention. SBCC Cooperative Program giving goes toward many mission efforts in our state, nation, and the world, including the International Mission Board and the North American Mission Board.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
RMBC donates 7% of all undesignated receipts to the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention. SBCC Cooperative Program giving goes toward many mission efforts in our state, nation, and the world, including the International Mission Board and the North American Mission Board.
Find out more on their website by clicking the button below.
Note: Any donation given directly to the listed ministries would be the responsibility of those organizations to account for giving.